hey there.

i think we can all agree that SST was due for a reckoning. god knows i've been trying to bring one for a while.

it didn't work out as well as i had planned. back then, i thought i was on top of everything. thought south slope tech was a panopticon, and i was up in that tower in the center, bearing witness to it all. talk about teenage arrogance.

i know better now.

after all i've seen, i can say with total certainty that there's only one person with a shred of decency at south slope tech, and there is nothing in the world that any of us can do to repent for the way we've acted towards him.

myself included.

but i've been given one last chance to try.

i know you all probably think it's a little funny that this is what i've come back for. key mclean, always the gossip. ha, ha.

i want to show you something.